J & S Air, Inc. Delivers the Area’s Top AC Products and Services

by | Feb 3, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Given the nature of the summers in the Austin and Lakeway areas, air conditioning is virtually a necessity. Hot weather makes it difficult to function, and even the simplest household chores quickly become overwhelming tasks when temperatures rise. J & S AIR INC provides the options homeowners need to keep homes comfortable no matter how hot it might get outside.

When Should Homeowners Contact an HVAC Contractor?

While it’s possible for a comfort appliance to develop an issue suddenly, a high percentage of problems manifest themselves slowly and provide significant clues something is wrong. That’s why it’s so important for homeowners to monitor the performance of their air conditioning systems. That really isn’t as hard as it might appear at first glance. Unusual noises and odors are always clues something is amiss. Whenever an air conditioner’s behavior changes, it’s time to contact the experts at J & S Air Inc for advice.

How Fast Will the Experts Respond?

Top experts understand the importance of air conditioning and will generally respond quickly to any service outage. In most cases, typical response times are within 24 hours, but an emergency service call is an option. While emergency service calls tend to be slightly more expensive than scheduled ones, the extra expense is often worth it when the outside temperatures are soaring. The best option is to contact the provider to get their recommendation prior to making any other decisions.
What Happens When Repairs Won’t Take Care of the Problem?

At some point, repairs are no longer a practical option. Older units simply reach the end of their useful lives and will need to be replaced. While that’s not an inexpensive option, homeowners must also consider the fact newer units are generally far more efficient than those of the past. Companies like Lennox and Trane offer heating and cooling appliances that deliver maximum performance while reducing energy costs. If there are questions about the type of unit that would best fit a home’s needs, the experts can provide the answers needed.

To get an immediate repair or a quote for new heating and cooling appliances, go to Jsairaustin.com now. The company will set up an appointment to deal with all your heating and air conditioning needs.

